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End of the year Game Project

polycounter lvl 5
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I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
So my teacher gave us a project. "Remake any game you want and make some thing now out of it.

The rules:
1)You can group up with others and outside help is ok
2)You have to do most of the work

So for make project I wanted to make Mother 3D and I have 18 weeks to do it

For those who don't know what Mother 3 is you may know as Earthbound 2 or you most likely know the main character Lucas

But I do not know what to do art-wise Nintendo has tried to make a 3d version of this game twice and I was thinking, how should I make the charters?

-Should I make a new "realistic" style
-Base it on the Lucas model in ssbb
-Base it on Nintendo's 64 version that failed
(the one on the left the one on the right is the mother 3 that made it)
-Or the Nintendo's GC version that also failed

Which one could I do for me I think it's better to base every thing on brawl Lucas but I could me wrong

Thx alot,

Any feedback will be very helpful


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