Allright, I finished that character.
12k triangles, 2x (body+hair) 4k diff + spec + nor. Made with Blender and Photoshop. Fully rigged (including face).
Has a lot of bugs, but hey - it's my first character. Next one will be better for sure.

Oh, also I named her Ginger Jane.

The ass looks a bit like an airbag, very weird hehe
@BradMyers82: moved belly and back a little bit up. Helped a lot, not sure if pushing it yet further will give a good effect.
OK, pushed it yet more. I think it's good enough.
Current stage.
You can see the model in realtime here.
Would you mind also posting a wireframe?
I will work on those freckles, since so far I was the only one that liked them
Reworked the face completely today. Left one is new, right one is old version.
I agree with the freckles looking like dirt, just reference some red heads they usually have freckles. Also the current freckles look like a texture map, you could just try a brush or hand paint in a few shouldn't take too long and might actually look better.
Can slightly see some on her chest which is good, are you working with a reference image?
I liked the right face, or maybe it's just the angle of the shot making the difference.
No, I dont use any specified reference. Just looking at some images if I need a general overview on some element.
Freckles (and all the textures) are actually hand painted with basic photoshop brushes. But I will work on them.
I got a very short deadline - it must be finished (at least model + maps) until next week. So I have about one and half a day.
First face had a lot of anatomic bugs. Also, reminded me too much of Scarlett Johanson.
Also, the model is subsurf (meshsmooth) friendly.
What is left to do, besides finishing hair: eyes, specular map, rig. And props, eventually - any ideas?
Some progress on eyes and surrounding area.
Wake up, polycounters.
Almost finished. Need to clean up and adjust armature (skeleton) and set some pose nice for presentation.
Pity that so far almost no one had anything to say.
It's looking good. I would just try and keep on refining what you have now.
I especially like the hair.
@Tobbo - all the textures were meant to look the same (they are hand painted with simple brushes). Maybe the specular causes an effect, where they seem different.
@dickiegriffin - Yes, that's my mistake. I remembered to make the mapping for both sides but i forgot that HP model could be differentiated too to use it.
@Tits, @Callesw - thanks!
Here is a little progress on face. It moves with shape keys (morph targets). Also I applied subsurf (meshsmooth) x1 for render.
The shorts texture is really kick-ass btw !
How did you do the hair? looks real nice!
@Jessica: I will work yet on textures. So far I had to finish it quickly, because I wanted to send it with my job application (cross your fingers!
@ParoXum: thanks!
@Tits: yeah, there are few shots below
It's not a finish yet.
Finished the rig today and started learning how to animate a character!
Rig is not ideal, as well as animation. But hey, I didn't make any character in a very long time. And never really animated, so, don't be cruel (not that much :P).
(Also, forgive me the white outline - I spotted it just right now, when uploaded.)
*EDIT: Just took a look at you rig on the last page. You may want to consider giving her at least 1 more joint in her back to give a cleaner twist and bend. EDIT*
Okay, one thing to remember with animation, the hips are EVERYTHING. As far as I can tell, yours don't move except up and down.
They should rotate in the horizontal plane with each step, with the hip of the forward leg being forward as well. Counter rotate the shoulders so they go slightly past straight forward, then animate the neck rotation to keep her head straight. The hips also translate side to side during a walk. A good way to see this is to go into the front orthographic view at the point where the hips are directly over the the foot on the ground, and see if it looks like she could balance like that. You want to move the hips so they are more over the foot. With this type of character that is supposed to be super sexy, you might want to push this farther to give it that sexy hip swing.
The hips also rotate from side to side (like she is leaning left or right). This should be most pronounced when the hips are furthest out at the 'balance' points. Again,push this to get the hip swing. Then counter animate the shoulders so the shoulder and hips above the planted foot are closer than the other side. As before, you'll also have to animate the head to keep it straight up and down.
After writing all this down, I realize it probably would have been smarter to just do a search for a tutorial, but whateves. Just play around with it until you get it where you want it.
From there, just gives the arms some swing instead of having them immobile at the shoulder and your good!
Good luck! Looking forward to it!
@Kon Artist - it looks nice but I don't think it would fit her.
@Aga - thanks! I checked arms lenght and they seem okay. Maybe it's a case of a perspective.
Well, at least the face and hair don't look bad ^^. It's a good point.
I think that's kind of the point.
This is actual front view.
I said that the arms are too long... well maybe the chest or belly are too short instead if you want to do a tall girl...
So here is what I did :
- the arms are too long ( the elbow should come near the waist and the wrists near the crotch ) OR the torso is too short BUT if you make a longer torso you will need to longer the legs too.
- think that the Femur is the longest bone of the body, the legs can't be longer than the thighs... here you can see that leg + foot = thigh :
- the nipples should be slightly outwards