Here is a early blockout of the DOTA 2 merchant I have been working on. Just trying to get all the pieces together the sculpt it real nice and purrty.

Texture update, I have also added some more accessories. Almost done with this guy, just a bit moer work and he will be done. Enjoy!!

This is looking great mate. Really nice start! Only problem I've got with him is that he seem a tad wide.
i think all those stitches could be bigger overall, they are barely visible at this size already, they will totally get lost when zoomed out a bit.
Also i'm not sure why you added so many small wrinkles to some of the cloth pieces, makes it look very busy/noisy/messy to me
looking awesome so far man keep it coming!
-The ring right in the middle of the belly is super low poly. We use normals to give the illusion things aren't low poly, but on something like that normals won't help (unless you baked it on a flat plane using transparency), just go ahead and give it the geo it needs to have a nice smooth silhouette.
-you got some "warbling" on the end of your bracelets.
-I'm pretty anal about cloth work: weight of material, flow of cloth, and tension. Sooo here is my little rant. You have folds happening but for no reason, cloth is like anatomy, there is driving form behind it all. Try and think about the tension one material makes upon another. What type of cloth it is (heavy draping velvet, thin silk, denim, cotton, soft worn leather, hard new leather, burlap, etc):
--- The shoulder belt pushing against the body leading to pinching of the shirt under it.
--- The cloth belt around the waist tension pulling from the weight of his massive belly plus the tightening of the belt around that.
--- The shirt folds going under the cloth belly strap are just continuing but should either be tight from the restriction of the cloth belt, or bellow over some from resting atop that material.
---The cloth around the belly and the loin cloth are the same material (by color and patch work) but do not carry the same weight/ tension.
I think this book would really help you (it opened my eyes) to understand cloth, and how it reacts to the body, underlying forms, tension, and will lead to more successful and believable cloth.
[ame=""]Dynamic Wrinkles and Drapery: Solutions for Drawing the Clothed Figure (Practical Art Books): Burne Hogarth: 9780823015870: Books[/ame]
That's all I got for now, keep rockin man.
Nice work on the texture.
Keep up the good work!
One silly little thing that jumps at me is the big toe. I often see the big toe treated differently to the other toes, e.g. the big toe curves upward at the tip while the others curve down. I think that's even more the case with sandals like that. The way you've got them is more of a pose where the toes are clenched together, which looks a little strange to me in his otherwise relaxed pose.
Keep it up, dude. Coming along niiiiice.
Keep it up!
It is really cool to hear from the person who made the in game for this guy. Glad you like it so far. Yeah there are still a few pieces I have that I just have not tacked on but I am hoping to get that done soon. I am really glad you like the rings on the horn. I wasn't sure about adding them but figured eh why not.