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[ZBrush] ZSphere and Symmetrie

polycounter lvl 7
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Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
Hey People,
iam close to to throwing the PC through a window.
The problem is:
i want to create the basic human torso with zsphere but still be able to properly use symmetrie later on. The problem is: its impossible to create the second sphere in a way it is exactly on top of the first sphere, but everything else will F+++ up the symmetrie.
Aside from that: i activate the symmetrie but then iam just able to move the sphere along on just 1 axis (so just up and down) if i deactivate it, it will mess it up again.
Lastly: Is it supposed to be the way, that i move one sphere one all othere spheres move slightly with it?


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    If you draw the new sphere with sym on, then it should be centered and symmetrical. You should also only be able to move it in two directions depending on the view, as the third axis is what keeps it centered/symmetrical.

    As for moving them, reduce the size of your brush so that you only effect one at a time.
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