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Dragon Weaver cartoon update

Still cranking away on the toon with any freetime i get.

Just got an amazing new Job at BLIZZARD in CA, as a Senior Animator, and so hopefully i can spend more freetime making the cartoon once i get all settled in over there. 2 WEEKS!!

As for the DRAGON WEAVER cartoon ive been busy writing out the teaser clip ideas, episode ideas, and story arch for the series. Also creating pre pro art as well as modeling etc.....

A good friend of mine who goes by PIXEL is now my Director of Color. So im very happy about that. Ill be posting some of his amazing stuff as soon as its all done!
Here is a sample of something he colored...amazing.


The 3d model has been tweaked to try and stay close to the silhouette as possible. Im trying to focus on the general shape since i dont have the skill to do an insanely detailed/ accurate model ...none the less it fits my style wich is a Toon-Anime-Comic

I call it....Toon-ime-ic....hahaha...

here ya go along with the back story for The Dragon Weaver.

In The Beginning:

High atop an ancient mountain, sat an ancient temple, buried deep within an ancient forest. The ancient temple was the home of a mystical dragon chosen by the gods, and taken from the spirit world where he lived as a great warrior. He was the first spirit weaver, and his name was Kukorasai.

Kukorasai was to act as an entity that would watch over all of mankind, and keep balance between good and evil; for the world was a world filled with magic, unexplainable mysteries, and beings with immeasurable power. The gods did not have faith in humanity…

The Dragon was given the name Kukorasai, "The shield of human souls", and was given the ancient,magical, sacred temple as a place to live and train. It was in that temple, the gods granted Kukorasai the ability to weave a spirit. Kukorsai being a dragon, was able to weave a human spirit. A soul that would walk hand in hand with his supernatural soul, and be woven together in complete harmony...

The Dragon Spirit Kukorasai was presented to the emperor on a night that was known as "The Miracle" as a gift from the gods to ensure peace, balance, and harmony. With his vast wisdom, he was to serve as an advisor to the emperor. With his pure, and courageous heart, he was to protect all things good, and watch over the empire and its people.

The emperor had a daughter named Yuki, and It was said that the very moment her eyes met Kukorasai’s, she fell in love with him. In all of his years in existance he had never loved anything as much as he did her, and through time their love was kept a secret shared only through their eyes.

When Kukorasai could not bear the secrecy any longer, he confessed his love for the princess to the emperor, and unknowingly changed the course of everything.

The Emperor was outraged because Kukorasai was not human, and he felt betrayed by the gods. The emperor feared that his bloodline and legacy was threatened, and so he tried to sacrifice his daughter for betraying the laws of nature. To fall in love with a being that was not of this world was surely a sin, and an evil omen.

Kukorasai would not allow this and a war was waged between the Emperor and Kukorasai. The spirit weaver fled the empire with yuki in hand, and sought refuge deep in the uncharted lands of the magical forrest, not wanting to reveal the secret location of the anicent temple. The emperor was not far behind.

This was a dark time, and the war lasted for a 1000 days and a 1000 nights. Hundreds of Thousands of the emperor’s men were killed by Kukorasai, and there was no limit to what he would do to protect his love for the princess.

The gods became outraged, for all balance was thrown off course. Because Kukorasai was a spirit weaver, and was forged by the gods, he could not be destroyed by the gods, balance must remain even for them, so they banished him to the ancient temple, and stripped him of his cosmic powers to weave a human spirit. Regretting their decision, The Gods chose to never interfere with mankind again.

That was the last time Kukorasai ever saw the princess, for she was executed and her name never to be spoken again.

The very second that her life was ended Kukorasai felt it deep within his soul....He became so saddened that he could not bear to live knowing she was no longer alive, and so he began to meditate…for 100 yrs he did this, letting his mind reach complete Zen…He meditated so deeply that he became enlightened, and when that happened, a miracle happenend. Something the gods did not forsee. His dragon spirit was released and he was able to return to his home in the spirit world, but he unknowingly left something behind. The energy that was of the human form that he once was able to weave. The spirit that the gods thought they had stripped away. It had nowhere to go, so it embodied the ancient temple, giving it life, and leaving the smallest of cracks open between the mortal and spirit world...
This is where Hiroshi’s story begins…The Legend of the Dragon Weaver

Back Story to Hiroshi's (the main hero) home.

The enchanted living temple that was is home.

When the great dragon warrior was brought to our realm by the gods, he sought out an ancient spring deep within the enchanted Forrest of ashura. He struck the earth creating a secret crater and revealing the source water of the spring...the water that is the very lifeline for the forrest...upon the earths rubble he built a temple, and there is where he made his home until mankind would need him...a thousand yrs later, the baby Hiroshi, discovers his new home...as he was drawn to it by an unexplainable force.


Tweaked model: Textures coming soon. I built an awesome cloth rig for this!! I can animate and pose his cloth along with his character rig...I think this is waayyy better than a cloth plugin that i cant control...more work yes...but well worth it when he's flying through the air in an iconic pose!!!




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