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Improvement Thread - Seeking Critiques to be a Better Artist

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Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
Hello everyone!

I'll upload everything I do in this thread. I just started learning 3D modelling, and I believe a big part of learning is showing your work and seek the advice of other people, no matter if they know more or not, the idea is to get out of our "box" and see things differently.

I would really appreciate every bit of advice you can give me :)

Sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/melisa.coolen/


  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    I'm doing Kaneda's motorcycle from Akira for subd modelling using Maya. Next week I'll do all the inner parts (the motor and the parts that attach the wheels to the motorcycle).

    What I don't like:
    - The topology of the sides of the body, I think it's a bit messy.
    - The topology of the part that hides the connections between the body and the back wheel (I'll ask about it in the thread about how to model shapes).

    What I like:
    - I think the seat is the best part of the motorcycle haha.
    (In this image the mirrored parts weren't merged yet)
  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    I did some advancement on this. Finished the handlebars, the tires and the part that covers the back tire. The union between the cylinders and the semi sphere was a total pain, but after reading many pages of "how the f*#% do I model this?" I added More Geo ™ and It was easier afterwards, this is going to be the high poly after all.

  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    More progress!

    I did the blocking of the inner mechanism of the front wheel and the place where the back lights go. Doing the hole was really difficult but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

    I'll try to make the images more interesting, if someone has some advice to how it's better to show this types of images please let me know! :)

  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    All the external parts done!

    I now have to do the internal mechanisms.

  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    I learned how to do some beauty shots :)

    For this type of thing, Is it better to use the smoothed wireframe or the one that is subdivided? I'll delete from this post the one less suitable.

    And if you see something to be improved about the topology or in general, please let me know :)

  • clark
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    clark null
    The geometry all looks pretty good to me. You might think about rerouting the geometry around the corners of the radio panels if you are getting some pinching in those areas.
  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    Thank you! :smile:  You are right about the geometry around the panels. I don't get pinching, but it's because it's a flat surface, if it wasn't for that it wouldn't look good. it's a good idea to change it anyway as practice.
  • clark
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    clark null
    It must just be the lines all close together in the photo that make it look like it is pinching.
  • Lómerel
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    Lómerel polycounter lvl 2
    One month and a half after the last work posted :( I hope I can add new things once a week at least.

    Here are some wheels I was working on. I'm doing a BMW S1000RR. The materials are presets form Arnold for previewing purposes. I hope I can finish the modelling in a month, this two wheels took two weeks approx.

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