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Space Ship Interior - UE4

polycounter lvl 4
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Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
Hi Polycounters,

today I wanna show you a team project for our university.
We have to work on this projekt for the next months and our goal is to achieve a game ready level.

During that time we will learn a bunch of new softwares - like Zbrush, Substance Designer and Unreal Engine.

The team is build out of three team-members.

We want to build a space ship environment. The look of the space ship is futuristic and it's a clean and bright environment. We splitted the environment in seperate rooms, so everyone of us can work on his/her own room, but still have to focus on an uniform look. Additional there will be some parts everyone will work on like the corridor.

Our rooms will be the bridge, a lobby/cafeteria and a lab. I will primary work on the lab.

Here you can see some moodboars everyone of us showed at the university pitch.




References and Inspirations are from a lot of different science fiction games and movies like Mass Effect, Star Wars, Halo, Deus Ex and many many more.

At least I wanna show you a relly rough blockout so you have an idea how things are located.

Red - Bridge;
Blue - Cafeteria;
Green - Lab

We try to work modul and recycle assets as good as possible. So floor-, wall-, ceiling-, door-, window moduls are tillable. Also smaller probs can be exchanged among each other.

I will post some of my probs later today.
I am always open and thankfull for every feedback and criticism I can get.


  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    So as mentioned above I am responsible for the lab and the focus point of the room are two tanks in the middle of the room.

    Current High Poly Tank and Computer Console

  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    I also wanna show you a box I modeled at the beginning of the projekt.
    It's already textured and I did some beatuyshots in Marmoset. 

    Polies: 983
    Tris: 1828

  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4

    today I would like to show you my proceed with the laboratory.

    Some of the props are still in the ones from the block out or do not have a texture yet.
    Nevertheless I thought it's a good time to get some feedback on my blocking and lighting.

    I did not bake the light with Production quality yet, so you can still see some issues with the shadows.

    I know there is still a long way to go to finalize the scene. Have to work on more props and decals to break up the scene.

    Please let me know all kind of your feedback.

    Greets :)
  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    Played a little bit with the light set up.
    Added a Planet outside to explain the color and way of my directional light.

  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    Hi guys,

    below you can find the final result of my room for this Project.
    On my artstation Portfolio I uploaded also a Mood Trailer of the Environment.

    Would love to hear your Feedback. C&C is always welcome!

  • TheGabmeister
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    TheGabmeister interpolator
    I'd say this is looking good as your first portfolio piece for a school project.

    I'm not well-versed on the subject of lighting, but I do feel like there's room for improvement on this aspect. You can also play around with Bloom to make the computer monitors pop out more.

    On Space Ship Laboratory - Render 2, you can try making the stars outside the window more visible. It can be an artistic choice. Realistically, outer space is pretty dark which might be what your trying to achieve. On the other hand, making the stars more visible makes the scene more interesting as shown on a couple of the reference images you have above.
  • Dennis_Levi
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    Dennis_Levi polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you @TheGabmeister,

    yeah the outer space is rly dark and could show some more color varations and stars. I will try to bright up that skysphere and achieve that.

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