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Militaristic Academy Officer

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PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
Started brainstorming and blocking out this new character for a few days now.
I'm mostly concepting this as I go... may not be the best idea. But we will see.

First male character in a long long while. As well as a more futuristic character (usually been making medieval-fantasy female char.)

I am aiming for a more industrious/militaristic/futuristic look here. Nobles and lords serve the Crowns by enlisting in the military as officers, instructors, or generals. Lowborn soldiers serve as support, but could be sired into noblemen by accomplishing deeds in the military. Constantly warfare with neighboring kingdoms because that's how society advances as a whole. People build war machines, inventing new weapons, and conquer more lands.

So, what does that mean for the character itself ??
- Wears and tears; a nation always at wars, equipment ain't gonna be super polished or brand new. Must be carefully done, since obviously noblemen can't just use crappy junk.
- the character most likely has seen some action already, and survive to tell the tales. Visible scars. Grim looks. Well-built... or at least quite fit.
- Various materials. Everything and anything can and will be used to fuel the war. Nothing in the society goes to waste. Equipment are made of iron, bronze, fabric, leather, steel, etc etc. Let's not go all the way to human skin or ... yeah.
- Militaristic means uniform. Cool uniform. Layers of uniform. With war decoration; worthy of a nobleman.
- A nice balance between practical equipment and decorative equipment.

- War40k. A combination of armor and fabric. Without the super bulky armors.
- Juggernaut-like war-machine.
- modern-day armors as well as fantasy armors pieces design.
- Well, more like armor pieces on top of fashionable costumes. 
- others...


  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    What to do next
    - Shaping the pants to be more sleek, less bulky.
    - Broader shoulders. 
    - Underneath shirt. Or maybe like a pullover, or w/e.
    - Cool sci-fi gauntlets and white fabric gloves
    - Hanging split cape with war decorations
    - Better face + better hair
    - etc etc

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Remade the shirt and the pants. Harder/sturdier fabric means the pants have fewer, wider, shallower and sharper folds. His shirt, is about the opposite. Thin folds. Chin guards will be replaced next.

    Body too long compared to the rest of the proportions. Will change that. Arms/hands probably too small as well.

    Debating on the warmachine; weather to do it in this project too, or separate it into its own project.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i love that you went: "Hmmm this needs something... I know! A BIG FUCKING MECH!"
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    That's pretty much my train of thoughts too :P
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    Do you have a mood board for this? A few suggestions I have right now for the design:
    • It is very symmetrical, get some aiguillettes or metals in there!
    • You also have a lot of horizontal lines that are breaking the flow, it's making him seem kind of squat and adding a whole bunch of wrinkles when suits tend to be more tailored.
    • His arms seem rather short

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Alemja said:
    Do you have a mood board for this? A few suggestions I have right now for the design:
    • It is very symmetrical, get some aiguillettes or metals in there!
    • You also have a lot of horizontal lines that are breaking the flow, it's making him seem kind of squat and adding a whole bunch of wrinkles when suits tend to be more tailored.
    • His arms seem rather short

    Yes ma'am ! I will work on them.

    Here's a mood board I assembled... It's pretty much just my Pinterest board as I scroll up and down for ideas.  
    Note; I did think about another character, female, to be in it too. Like a partner to together pilot the mech. Both would be in a very similar uniform; showing that same uniform design works on both genders.

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Update on the Officer. Adjusted his proportions in general; including his shoulders, arms, hands, torso, and legs. Cleaned up some of the wrinkles, but won't be final til I have most of the equipment blocked in.

    Will update on the Mech next time.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Still looks like a piece of crap, but posting motivates me to work harder :P So, I'm posting.

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Get some basic personality going here... Gotta decide on his hair now...

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Update :P

    Well, here's his hair. 
    Not so sure about his torso protective plate... Can't see his vest underneath... And I want to see the vest. :( Gonna give him better pair of boots, and his armguards/gauntlets. Thought about him losing an arm, but we will see. He will have a cool looking walking cane. Hopefully one that's a rapier or a pistol in disguise. 

    His warmachine, on the other hand, had an identity crisis the other day; he wasn't sure if he's more of a Battletech-design, or FrontMission-design. So I mixed the two together. Gonna work on his hands next. I want his legs to have a ... natural turn out, I guess. But I don't know how the joints will work around the crotch. Probably gonna go with ball-joint instead of cylinder.

    C&C welcome.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Is it "cool character design", or is it "unnecessary cruelty of war" ?

    Been slacking off a bit the last few days... Gotta post more to motivate more.

  • DGB
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    DGB polycounter lvl 7
    The metal collar and the designs on it look interesting but it would also be cool to see similar designs repeated elsewhere, such as on the shoulder pads, to tie the costume together more. I like the concept that you outlined in the beginning of the thread, but does the armor itself serve a functional purpose or is it purely decorative? If he spent most of his time inside of the mech, how much functional armor would he need?
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    DGB said:

    I will do my best to keep the design consistent throughout. 
    As for the neck/shoulder armor itself, I have some ideas in mind... Not sure if it will be visible on the design, though. Might be just tech jargon thingy. 

    - Communications; like Holo-Screen projector, speakers/mic etc.
    - GPS sorta.
    - Neural Link Enhancement yada yada... Depends if that's how pilot controls/communicates the warmachine.
    - Pilot Vital Supports; jolting the pilot if unconscious in battle. Administering drug-induced coma for medical reasons like, I dunno, concussion, maybe... Whatever. Or poison, instead, if pilot is captured. Or adrenaline, or pain-killer or something. Depends on the situation, I guess. 

    Obviously most of these features are used only when in combat or during sortie. Communication purpose is probably the only thing it's used for during peace time.

    I guess it's not so much protective armor, per se.

    Right now, I'm trying to make the Officer interesting enough of a piece on his own. So I can have the warmachine be a separated thing as well.  Hopefully, 2 cool pieces together to make an awesome folio piece. And not 2 average pieces to make a nice one.

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Cleaned up a couple stuff, and started on more fine details.  Also touched some details on his face muscle. Going to have to clean up his ears next as well... Damn long hairs that don't cover ears. :(

    Also decided to go with this look. To further the idea that after you serve in the military, now the military serves you. As long as you earn your nobility/promotion, now you and your family are set for life. Handicapability means nothing compared to the knowledge, experience, and the heroic deeds you have accomplished.

    Will add more details to the shoulder pieces, and try to nail the design of the lower half...

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Taking a more drastic changes to improve this piece. Back to anatomy. Will revamp his face next.

    Happy Holidays y'all !

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Made a lots of changes. Proportions, muscles, posture, clothing, face structure, etc. First time making something from Marvelous Designer. (pants)

  • stororokw
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    stororokw polycounter lvl 3
    Hello. The proportions of the body are giving me some Popeye vibes. Some things that jumped out at me are:
    • Forearms are too short and large ( see the green line on the image)
    • Palm of the hands are too short or fat
    • His ribcage is too low
    • Lower Legs too fat
    • Pubic area too low
    • Too blobby
    • The deltoid needs better interlocking with pecs
    • The deltoid needs to connect lower on the humerus
    • Strange stuff going on with his abs
    • The connection of the chin to neck looks strange
    • The eyes currently do not have any thickness its just stuck on tight to the eyeball like a cutout. I see this problem with your other works too and as a consequence the the eyes have no upper and lower eyelids.

    Keep it up the progress!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks a lot for the paintover. Very helpful along the reference I use.

    Took me longer than I wanted/should to have an update, and maybe not as significant change as I had hoped. But I do like the way the character looks better. I also changed his stance and his weight balance a bit as well which should affect the way he stands.

    I exaggerate his eyelids some more as well, which I was working on his face, but it's still not so noticeable unless zoomed in a lot. Will put in eyelashes and see how that turns out.

    I been trying difference way to make clothing more realistic looking. Apart from the folds and wrinkles, I want to put in proper hemlines as well as seams too. But so far I'm not getting the results I want. :(

  • Markmars
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    Markmars triangle
    I would recommend the course of Scott Eaton. http://www.scott-eaton.com/ (first better learn the academic drawing) 
    study anatomy.
    especially eyelids.
    Good luck!
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