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[Chivalry] – Mason Vanguard – Skull set

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ysalex interpolator
Here's where I started off.

This is my helmet highpoly:


Inspired by this concept, which I loved. I switched up proportions, weighting, made it chunkier, went further into the skull theme with the skull-plate welds showing, and other stuff to differentiate it.


Here is the blade, some quick stetches but no real concept on this one I just freestyled in zbrush based on the having the skull in there and bringing the teeth over.


Crits and comments appreciated.


  • Nolt
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    Nolt polycounter lvl 13
    Nice, I like the design. Intimidating. I might push the helmet off the head a little more. Feels like it might be a little snug.
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Nice design,the one thing I'd change is to close that gap up where jaw portion of the armor meets the head. That gap is huge enough where an arrow could fly right in and kill the Knight.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Thanks guys, I just finished my low poly. I will consider dragging out some clearance on the helmet once I see what the proportions looks like on the body, but I think you're probably correct.

    Here are the low poly versions with textures, these shots are in Marmoset, now I need to get them loaded into the game for some proper screenshots.


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