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2D Female Character WIP critique please

polycounter lvl 6
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rogermein1 polycounter lvl 6

I'm mostly a 3D Artist, but I've been working on a 2D portrait on the side that I would like some feedback on. It's a portrait for a 'Sister of Battle', a type of character from the Warhammer 40K mythology. I got the idea for it after seeing a 2D portrait by Andrew Leon called 'Lost Memories'.


I started off with a very general ZBrush Model to get the face, armor proportions and perspective. Then I just sort of continued in Photoshop to add detail, background, lighting etc.

I was wondering if anyone can spot any problems with the portrait (lighting issues especially since that is not my strong suite). Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

(Side note: I guess this isn't strictly related to video games, so if it is inappropriately posted, I will take it down).



  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    The upper lip looks a little weird for me but its hard to tell because of the face angle.

    The lighting looks okay and the only "failure" i can see is on the upper side of the shoulder piece near the face. When i look at the other shoulder i have a clear side view and the bright stripe is on a plane with the direction to the ground. The edge highlight near the studs on the shoulder piece is maybe in the shadows too.

    When i look at the other shoulder the 2 Shoulder elements are in reality one element but because of the hard edge from the shadow it looks seperated. Maybe give the shadow a nice falloff like Ambient Occlusion.
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Hi, overall not thghat bad.

    for starters you really need to tone down your contrast, and give the whole piece more focus. you have a lot of bright colors all over the place. the same goes with the highlights, you have a lot of hot spots that takes focus from the main subject.

    I made a quick paintover:
    lowered the saturation, lowered the contrast.
    added some atospheric light
  • rogermein1
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    rogermein1 polycounter lvl 6
    Hi guys

    Thanks for the feedback. Very informative!


    I think I see what you mean about the shoulder area not being properly in shadow. I'll try and fix that up.


    Yeah I know that contrast has been bugging me. The contrast changes vividly on different sets of computers so I get hesitant deciding what is 'right'. Good call on the colors being all over the place.

    Sorry I can't seem to see/download the changes that you mentioned. Could you try reposting that please?

    Thanks again guys.

  • rogermein1
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    rogermein1 polycounter lvl 6
    Hi guys

    Just a quick update. Fixed up the shoulder shadow that Cibo mentioned. I also toned down the contrast so the focus is more on the face area for the character.

    @lotet: sorry it turns out I can see your fix, I just didn't paste it properly.


    Any comments on the changes welcome. Thanks for the help.

  • rogermein1
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    rogermein1 polycounter lvl 6
    More fixes that should make the lighting more natural and slight changes to the hair. Can anyone tell if the contrast in the image isn't too jarring anymore? Thanks.


  • LSheridan
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    LSheridan polycounter lvl 6
    The orange underneath her jaw, thanks to its brightness, kind of lifts her head off her body. She appears to be behind the armor, rather than in it.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    This looks great so far! I think your iris are different sizes. The left iris, the green one, looks far larger than the blue one. I also think it would be further in towards the center of the face if she is looking in that direction.
  • Cibo
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    Cibo polycounter lvl 10
    The highlight is not anymore but i think the edge is to hard, follow the edge and at the right side its looks very round and used.

    By coordinates 300 /1000 the shadow is in my opinion to dark for such an exposed position.

    By 350 / 970 why is the stripe so much brigther than the dark area below, i mean its one plane with the same orientation. The transient is very harsh.

    By 150 / 940 the edge is really sharp to but a sideview from the left shoulder shows a round form.

    In my opinion by 150 / 940 must be the darkest area and to the north and south is must become brigther. The south a little brighter than the nord because of the light angle from above.
  • rogermein1
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    rogermein1 polycounter lvl 6
    Hi guys

    Thanks for the feedback!

    @ProjectEagleeye and @slosh
    I think I see what you're saying about the eyes being mismatched and looking at different directions. Will definitely fix that part. Thanks for the catch!

    Ah, I see what you mean. The glow from the embers is too bright which throws off her head depth. Will fix that.

    I think I know what you mean by the edge. It was me attempting to put depth perception in to the image with bluring which may be skewed especially around the edges. I will need to check this.

    Thanks for the comments on lighting with the coordinates. Really helps me pinpoint what you're referring to. I will need to re-evaluate these sections like you said.

    Thanks again for the help guys (girls)! Really helpful tips.

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