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Matte painting in games?

polycounter lvl 9
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CapableWizard polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys!

So something I've wondered for a while is how to go about creating huge sprawling vistas in a game engine, I'm talking about scenes like these:




The backgrounds seem really detailed and in many cases don't actually seem to be geometry. I was just wondering if anyone has any input on how these kinds of scenes are achieved, I feel like the approach is probably very similar to matte paintings in film maybe?

I found this interesting thread from Ryse which does seem to layer the background elements together but I can't tell if this is through geometry or texture work.

If anyone has any advice, or interesting links I'd really appreciate your input :)



  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    That Ryse forum post shows how it is done most of the time.

    It is a combination of flat billboard textures, and very low detail geometry that is only need to hint at the large shapes of the structures. If you looked at those assets up close they would be very low res compared to assets the play will interact with.

    This is videogames equivalent of matte painting because of the parallax needed while running around in game.
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