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I'm moving! To freaking NYC!

polycounter lvl 14
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sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
I'll change office in, hopefully, early January! I know Jon Jones is both a Polycounter and an Avalancher, but are there any other NYC-polycounters out there? :) Would be great to hang out for a beer or something!

I've started looking around for rooms/apartments but it seams all/most of them have a very tight move in date. Any tips on finding a great place to live?


  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I'm up in ny not to far from the city, I'd say try to find something decent with a decent price it is costly here especially in the city, maybe you'll get lucky though.

    Bayridge Brooklyn around the 6th ave & the 80 streets and up are really nice, 90's are closer to the water. Queens, Forest hills around 72nd continental, really freaking nice but probably really expensive. As for the city I'd say with no real experience of the areas but around Central Park seems to be perfect for a lot of folks again, $$$.

    No real tips try Craig's list though I would be wary do as much research on certain areas as possible you don't want to get stuck in a bad one. Perhaps some Avalanche people got familiar enough to know where it is good to be in the city and where to stay clear from. Though the cost would go hand in hand with those situations cheap place, not so great a location, great place great location not so cheap.

    That is the best i can do, I'd like to make some new friends sure maybe one day a beer wouldn't be so bad, though my days are pretty packed with just working and my art.

    A before xmas gathering wouldn't be a bad idea though, everyone should be more merry around then too, we might even get lucky with the ladies, ha ha.

    Best of luck though either way.
  • poly_bob
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    poly_bob polycounter lvl 3
    Hey Valdemar. Looks like we're gonna be coworkers. I'm at the NY office working with Jon. Have you talked to our HR yet? They should be helping you to relocate.

    You probably wanna stick with brooklyn or queens when you're looking for a place. Not sure what the price range is like out there. I've lived in manhattan my whole life. But I do know it's expensive renting here.

    PM me if you have any questions.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    I've been looking at Williamsburg and Bushwick since that's what shows up on craigslist when I search for my price range. I've talked to my future lead and he said that most Swedes at the office live around those areas and closer to Greenpoint I believe. Not that I need to live near them, but yeah :D Any experience/thoughts on those neighborhoods?

    Well, Manhattan is way over my price range and I unfortunately don't have 8M dollar laying around either so.. Unlucky me ^^

    I have talked to HR but it seems they don't help more then helping out with contacts and stuff like that. I'll have a word with them.

    Finding an apartment/room in a decent price range isn't hard. It's just that everybody wants you to move in the next day pretty much. Kind of hard for me since I'm arriving in like 1½ month from now.. And most of the time they want you to sign a contract for 12 month, which I totally gets. Feels like buying a pig in a poke and signing a 12 month contract for it. Maybe airbnb would be a good start the first days. Sorry, thinking out loud, in text.

    A beer/meetup would need to happen after Christmas for me to actually be able to attend :)

    Sounds good Rob! (Is it Rob? :))
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    I know a guy from avalanche over there. Jeremy P Miller, He's a senior environment artist there. I worked with him on Motorstorm.

    I hope you find a place to stay! Super exciting though man!
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Cool stuff! Yeah, we'll be working in the same team :)
  • radiancef0rge
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    radiancef0rge ngon master
    you can try living upstate and taking the train in. places outside white plains are fairly affordable. It gets way cheaper as you go up the hudson river. I know an hour an hour train ride sucks, but you can save some serious money and not live in something shitty.
  • rogelio
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    rogelio greentooth
    Try Jersey City some nice apartments in that area. I lived for a year in jersey city the view at 30th floor looking at NYC at sunset or sunrise is amazing. Also you get some nice view of fireworks. I experienced two firework shows right in front of my window.

    I stayed at the Grove. It is a bit expensive but some other ones could be more affordable and the path train takes you only 15 mins and your in NYC.

    Jersey city is tricky though some areas get really horrible fast. So just make sure to do apartment hunting well.
  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 11
    im near paterson nj and I'm only a 15-20 minute drive to nyc if it wasnt for the 12.00 toll I would go more often haha
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Well moving to New York wont just be for work for me. I'm in it for the city it self to you know :)

    15 minutes by car doesn't really help someone who don't have a licence ;)
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    awesome dude, grats on the move! NYC is a freakn amazing place!

    i actually applied to avalanche NY, but think i missed out on the visa period (or thats what i tell myself :poly122: )

    not living there myself so cant say very much, but i know the village is a really cool place to live (though probably freakn expensive)
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    Brooklyn is a doable commute on the metro. Plenty of people do it everyday.
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