Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 7
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neverwander polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys!

Just putting the finishing touches on my portfolio and would really appreciate some feedback on site design, asset presentation and such.

You can check it out at http://www.evanhudson.com/


  • Azkur
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    Azkur polycounter lvl 8
    hey man i am not an environment modeler but from what i saw on your folio i would say the design is ok i guess but for example your environments (specially the sci fi one) lack depth in my opinion, specular values are to low and the material definition needs to be better, if you look at the concept it looks very sci fi with strong specular values, and there are a lot of details you are missing.i think the forest scene is more interesting but it lacks depth as well, i like when environments are really atmospheric which isn't happening in that scene, you should check the entries in the escape contest and you can really see how much depth and atmosphere they have. with all that said i am no environment artist so just wait for more opinions on it.
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11

    I like your side, its has a nice style and is simple to navigate.
    Here some crits.

    - i would reorder the images and show all straight on the mainpage
    --- ref @ http://www.torfrick.com/
    (so subcategories - just the 2 environments --> with their pics
    and the props with their pics - when you click on it.
    - its good to have the images signed and maybe to have a nice logo, but the logo is very big and disctracting from the images.. you want to show art at the first place.
    - many polycounters mentioned, thats better if there is no profile picture - i dont have one either, but i dont thing thats a huge thing to have one - youre choice ;)
    - you could add a "go back" button at every bottom at the page (so you dont have to scroll back)

    = art related:

    - what azkur said (scifi)
    - would tweak a bit more the light and spec
    - i dont get the "floating" boxes ;) - cause its in space ?
    - the bridge environment has no breakdowns - maybe you can tell more about the project, like which engine you used etc. etc.
    - the pumpkin is your weakest image, i would get rid of it.

    Just my two cents

  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    Im gonna STRONGLY agree with what has been said before. Your sci-fi piece is your strongest but still has a LONG way to go. You should be using dynamic lights to get interesting shadow play, Also with all that painted metal you should have spec and gloss maps on everything. Don't be afraid to go nuts with it, this is a portfolio piece... it doesn't have to run on a PS2. This scene really needs a decal pass. Signs/arrows/dirt.. shit like that. What are you using to show this off? is this Max/Maya/Unreal/Unity?

    Oh I forgot to ask... what do your profs think?
  • neverwander
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    neverwander polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for all the crits guys! Will definitely try to work those into the site and projects over the next few weeks.

    As to what my professors thought about them, I got the same response I always get from them: "Push it farther" Apparently I just need to take bigger steps with my stuff.

    Did just graduate today though. Somehow managed to get Salutatorian for my class. Didn't even know until they called my name XD
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